Thursday, June 24, 2010

Where Have 12 Years Gone?

This was my first born little boy just a few short years ago, which feels like forever ago.   He has now just celebrated his 12th Birthday and I am so proud to be his mom!  I remember when he was a baby and I couldn't even picture him being an "almost" teenager.  I always wondered what his voice would sound like, how tall he would get and what his favourite things would be.  Now I look forward to watching him grow into a remarkable young man.  His kindness, love for his family, goofy sense of humor and love of sports pretty much sums Noah up.  I am so amazed at watching him with little ones that I know some day he will become a remarkable dad (not for a long time yet though), great sportsman and an awesome person.  I am not sure what to expect in the coming teen years, but I have no doubt that it will be interesting, but for now and for the next year he is 12 and IS NOT A TEENAGER!