On another note, we LOST panda. The very first stuffed animal I bought when we started our adoption process, he went to China with us and I really wanted Keely to become attached to him. Finally after a month or two she finally loved panda and wanted him in her bed every night and carried him around all day. We're not sure how it happened but we figure he fell out of the truck at some point during our stops at stores and we didn't even notice until we were back at the hotel and getting ready for bed. :( This was really upsetting to me and I went back to each place that night to see if he could be in the parking lot, but no luck. The next morning I went or called each business to see if anyone happened to find him and bring him to their lost and found, but no luck. :(
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This was Keely's last pic with panda on the ferry before he was lost! |
Keely still is asking for him, but mama has another one ordered off of Amazon that will be here on Tuesday. :) He won't have the same special meaning the first panda had, but hopefully she won't know the difference. All I keep thinking though is about those dang Toy Story movies and how the toys have feelings and miss their owners! Ok Kim you are how old??? lol Anyway, hoping maybe some lonely little girl found him that needed a soft cuddly panda to love.
This was our second week back at church and Keely has done really well. We have been able to keep her enertained enough to sit with us throughout the whole service. Today was the children's Christmas concert and she went up with the toddlers to play in the rhythm band. She stood on the stage and stared and that was that. :) Of course I forgot my camera so I am hoping someone got a pic of her at her first Christmas concert.
My aunt had a very bad heart attack this past Thursday and hasn't been doing very well, but today we had our Christmas Miracle and when they removed her breathing tube she was breathing on her own and woke up. Praise God, still praying that she has a speedy and full recovery. Things like this are horrible anytime of the year, but to happen two weeks before Christmas makes it especially hard. Thankfully God hears our prayers and answers.