I haven't been very good at updating my blog lately, but I will try to fill in the gaps.
Keely has officially been going for naps and bedtime without us laying down in the room with her for over a month and a half now! YaY!
We had a pediatrician appt. and she requested blood work to see what vaccines she needs. Well let me tell you that was NOT fun. It took two trips to the hospital and a lot of pokes, tears and stressing from mama and they finally got 6 or 7 viles out of her little hand. Glad that is over for now. The Dr. had quite a few other things checked and we are supposed to get more done, but I think I might wait awhile. Still waiting for a call from the Ortho dr. about her legs.
Miss K has a definite Attitude and you would think she has been here all along and gets as annoyed with her brothers as any little girl would. lol Her "Nos" are shining through more and more and her independence is growing. She has been wanting me to feed her more lately though and pretty much thinks the world revolves around her! Lord Help Us all! Time-Ins as they want to call them now are happening at least once a day because of the new found attitude. :o)
This past week we had a Mars Bar commercial shot on our island and our family was picked to be in it along with 20 some others. For two days we spent many many hours at our local arena shooting the commercial. I had to leave Keely home so between my mom, my mother-in-law and my sister she had two full days without mama and actually didn't mind. She kissed me goodbye and was excited and wanted to come with me when it was time to go home. I am thinking this is good attachment, but my boys always cried when I would leave them anywhere, so then again I question if this is good or bad??
For the first two months she would cry if she thought I was leaving her, but now she is O.K.
I have started teaching her sounds of the letters and she already knows what sounds T, S, A, H, P, and R make. My boys have struggled so much with school that I thought I would give her a head start. I am hoping to get her some Mandarin cds or videos too so hopefully when she is older and wants to learn Mandarin, that it may come easier to her.
Chris has had her out on the ice at the rink in her boots and she loves it! Looks like she will have those hockey skates on before we know it and I will be out- numbered even more.
Christmas is coming soon and I can't believe that she is here. So much can happen in a year and this year has been definitely one to remember!