Wednesday, April 21, 2010


We had our last visit with Judy in St. George yesterday, and now she will come to us at our home.  Still waiting for her to call to let us know what day works for her.  I am assuming it will be sometime next week.  Then we will be officially finished our homestudy!!!!!!!!!! 

Yesterday, we had seperate hour long meetings, basically about our childhood and family life.  I feel a lot more confident that we will be approved with no problems, than I did at the beginning.  Overall, I feel these are necessary steps to ensure that the homes that children are placed in are safe and loving enviroments.  It is unfortunate that only adoptive parents have to go through such scrutiny to have a child, it should be made manditory for anyone in child bearing years to do the same.  There would be a lot less frustrating/sad situations if this were the case.

Anyway, our next visit will be about 4 hours since she is coming over on the 11am ferry and heading back on the 3.  Our boys will love her because on that day we will have to pick them up early from school so she can chat with them.  I am hoping they are in a good mood that day, but who knows??

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