Friday, December 3, 2010

Moving Right Along!!

     Well me being me, couldn't wait any longer for FOI to contact us to let us know when our paperwork was sent, so I emailed them today.  Apparently our documents, as of today were sent back to NB and then will be forwarded to China from there.  

     The agency director said it should be in China by the end of next week and we should have a log in date within two weeks.  So basically putting us directly around Dec. 24th for our LID!!  MERRY CHRISTMAS OR WHAT!

     Something else very exciting is; as it stands right now we are 7th in line in the set of families requesting a baby girl under 24 months.  SEVENTH!!!!!!!  Mind you we have to be logged in first before we will get a referral, but hey we are seventh.  

     The agency said that the competition for under 24month girls is very vigorous across agencies around the world so they have a difficult time predicting how many such children they will be able to match in a given month.  Over the last year, they have averaged about 2 placements a month. 

     So in keeping along the same track, that would hopefully put us getting a referral in APRIL???? Fingers crossed, eyes, toes and anything else that you could possibly cross!  

     I know this process is very unpredictable and things can change in an instance, but God's plan and timing is ultimately what I need to focus on.  He knows the exact date and has specifically picked our baby girl for us and we just have to wait on Him.  Whether it is 5 months from now or 18 months.

    Also, I am literally so excited to think that she is already in this world right now, especially if we get a referral as soon as April. 

     God I pray that you keep her safe, warm and healthy.  May the nannies love her and comfort her when she is crying so she feels that someone cares.  Just until we come, and then she will know the love of a family that prayed, waited and loved her before we even seen her sweet face!   Amen


  1. So thrilled for you guys, Kim!!! Anxiously awaiting this little angel's arrival. Praying right along with you that she is healthy, and loved and cared for as the precious treasure that she is until you, Chris and the boys can take over. I have a feeling her big brothers are going to be fierce and brave protectors and her strongest defenders. :-) Oh little one so longed and prayed for!!!! May you know the depths of love your family on Grand Manan has for you, and in knowing that love, be able to fathom that this is just the tiniest example of the depths of your Heavenly Father's love for you. We are all longing and waiting for you.

  2. Thanks Kristi, it will be an exciting time for our family. We can't wait. Thanks again for your continuous prayers. xo
